Thursday, December 9, 2010

Busy bits and peices!!

Well, i have been a bit slack on posting this week, i cant believe its thursday night already!!

Just a wee update on the week!!

Sunday we went to my little sisters 3'rd birthday party and got to catch up with all the extended family! Was sooooo special to meet my cousins new wee baby girl!! We left N with his nana and went off for a relax on the beach! Mr mum went body boarding and J had a TON of fun beating up his uncles!! After a long drive home with a brand new fish, the kids crashed. J with a high temperature and seeming very unwell! Just a touch of sunstroke we think.

Monday was spent cruising around home and going on a wee drive with daddy to do a few things in town, much needed after a busy weekend!

Tuesday was spent at home too, only we went a wee bit early to pick up J from school to help his teacher do some end of year jobs! She has done sooooooo much for J this year, i wanted to give something back. J jas gone from being on the reading recovery list to being top of the class in just 6 months!! Most of which we accredit to him having an amazing teacher!! I am even going to find her a xmas pressie!!

J has his end of year prize giving next tuesday night, and his teacher has asked that we be there, so i am suspicious the J may be getting some for of award! How amazing!!!

Wednesday was FANTASTIC!! We had the coffee group christmas party with N and all his wee friends!! He dressed up as santa and had sooooo much fun!!! Here are some snaps!!

Afterwards we had a lovely lunch with 2 amazing friends!!

Today!!! Well, where do a start!!?? Mr mum took the day off and we went CRAZY cleaning!! The whole place got a total spring clean!! Sheets, windows, cleaning out cupboards, sorting linen cupboards, cleaning out the panty..... the list goes on and on!!
After school we had a lovely playdate with some friends from J's school. The kids were in bed by 6 for the 3rd time this week!! And i got to finish up the cleaning! LOL!

This weekend we are taking care of a friends little girl from tomorrow at lunch time until sunday sometime! J is sooooo excited to have his best friend to play for the weekend! We have a busy weekend planned, including a movie night, mini golf, paddleing in the pool at the park and the santa parade!! I dont know who will be more exhausted, them or me!!

Well i better go have a shower and get some sleep!! Baking, shopping and a fun playdate with another amazing friend are in store for tomorrow!! Oh and J is peforming at school assembly doing a kapahaka!!


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